Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Generation Later....

While looking through the pictures on the camera Mandy noticed that we had a shot of Mia and Al on a ride that was very similar to an old shot of Mandy with Al that was taken at Funtown about 20 years ago. I had to search through a few old disks, but I finally found it. It seems strange (and comforting) to think that even though so much time has passed and so much has changed, some things will always stay the same. And I have to say- the old man has held up pretty well!

Annual Funtown Excursion

Not much explanation necessary. The annual summer trip to Funtown. Poor Mia was sad to learn that she is still too little to ride with the big boys. It worked out  though because with Jamie' being PG she and Mia got to be riding partners this year. Below I pulled out a few of my favorite pics.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Drumroll Please..........

Jamie and Josh are expecting their first bundle at Christmastime. We are so excited, and looking forward to have a new little one to love!! Poor Jamie has been pretty GREEN all spring, but hopefully the start of the second trimester will bring with it some relief! Love you both and congrats!!!!!!